We are offering all young, artists, designers and technologists, especially those with experience in the digital world, the chance to contribute their creative talents to popularize Maharishi’s programmes and create Heaven on Earth.
Job Description: Computer graphics, web design, 2D and 3D animation for delivery on Movement websites, the Maharishi Channel, publications, multi-media presentations, exhibitions, digital signage, non-linear digital editing.
Qualifications Required for Trainees: A deep interest in and commitment to Maharishi’s knowledge and programmes; a good level of computer experience; affinity and aptitude for technology; artistic ability; flexibility; desire to work creatively within broad International Movement guidelines.
Qualifications Required for Experienced Artists and Animators: Contact us if you already have training or experience in Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, Adobe After Effects, Premier, Maya, Final Cut Pro, InDesign, Illustrator, and/or Motion.
Projects: There is a wide range of projects that are ever-expanding and ever-evolving.
Job location: To be evaluated and decided on a case-by-case basis.
Does job provide opportunities for international travel: Possibly; projects are based all around the world.
Growth opportunities: This is an opportunity to use your talents in a very life-supporting way to promote Maharishi’s knowledge on a global scale. Both personally and professionally, you can fulfill your aspirations to create a better world. Advancement is a constant feature in the digital world. It is a stimulating and challenging area with ever-expanding potential and continuous refinement of creative expression.
Lifestyle: Consciousness-based creativity with lifestyle possibilities ranging from part-time, freelance activity to full-time, in-residence, with extended group practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme.
This job may also include working on the new TM blog which has all kinds of great articles. For example there is a
Paul McCartney interview, an interesting
neurology blog by Dr Kaplan and even an article on
Christianity and Meditation. This site is gaining popularity and is also getting picked up by other big sites. Recently James Wolcott did an article on
Buckminster Fuller and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.Commitment for trainees: A time commitment is involved.